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How do you share files in your company?

Sharing information has never been easier. But in the corporate world, not all information can or should be distributed outside the company. Sometimes it may not even be distributed internally to everyone in the company. Did you know that in large companies and organisations, over 20% of information is shared widely? To be classified "widely", the file should have been shared with the whole organisation, an external party or publicly with everyone who has a link to the file. Any file that is widely shared is a security risk in one way or another. And usually without the person doing it having any idea.

In the case of Storegate's services, there are several ways to prevent the above. One way is to group your users into specific groups that are easy to understand. For example; management, finance department, product development etc so that whoever is sharing can easily see who has access to the information.

If you have very sensitive information and wish to completely prevent users from sharing files publicly, you can disable this function as an administrator. See picture below.

Public dividend

Then it is also important to make sure that the file storage you choose has its storage within Sweden's borders. Because it doesn't matter how high your internal security is if the service you use is still subject to other legislation. Legislation that may allow access to the files and does not correlate at all with Swedish legislation.