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EU Court of Justice halts Privacy Shield data protection agreement

Here are some useful links regarding the EU Court of Justice's annulment of the Privacy Shield

"The European Court of Justice has recently ruled that the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement does not provide sufficient protection for personal data when transferred to the US. The annulment of the Privacy Shield means that EU data controllers are no longer allowed to transfer personal data to recipients in the US on the basis of the Privacy Shield."

Data Inspectorate

- EU court denies sensitive data transfer to US

Swedish Radio (16 July, 2020)

 - EU Court of Justice: privacy shield not enough to protect personal data

Computer Sweden (16 July, 2020)

- New ruling could prevent Facebook from moving data from EU to US

Daily News (July 16, 2020)

 - New no to EU-US data deal

Svenska Dagbladet (July 16, 2020)

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