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Strängnäs municipality chooses a Swedish cloud for the municipal audit


Strängnäs municipality, like many other municipalities, has sensitive data that for various reasons is not suitable for storage in foreign systems. When the municipal auditors needed a mobile tool for storing, sharing and collaborating on files, they chose Storegate in Sweden.

- Procurement of cloud services is more than just saving money. In addition to creating an efficient and modern way of working for employees, it is also important to comply with current and future legislation," says Mats Lange, Procurement Manager at Strängnäs Municipality. We realised quite soon that there was a lot of uncertainty about how the legislation will look over time, especially considering GDPR, the CLOUD Act and eSam's expert opinion on the use of cloud computing in the public sector, says Mats.

Strängnäs not alone, great demand from the public sector

- We have a lot of requests from the public sector right now. They realise they don't have time to keep staff waiting for legislation to catch up. According to industry analysts, it could take up to 12 years for new legislation to be in place. At the same time, users are crying out for modern work tools," says Torbjörn Lindkvist, Business Area Manager at Storegate AB.

Storegate is driven by meeting today's and tomorrow's needs for secure data storage in Sweden and all development is done on its own platform.

For more information, please contact:
Torbjörn Lindkvist, Business Area Manager, Storegate AB,

+46 (0) 705 487 463, torbjorn.lindkvist[at]storegate.com

Storegate AB is a Swedish company that believes that the need for confidentiality and privacy will grow in the future. We are therefore driven to meet and exceed the future needs and security requirements of data storage in Sweden. The storage systems are located in Sweden and are therefore regulated under Swedish law. This makes it significantly easier for Swedish companies when it comes to GDPR and the new US Clod Act. Storegate was founded in 2003 and is owned, in addition to management, by the venture capital companies Industrifonden, Servisen, T-bolaget, Aggregate Media and Sparbanken i Karlshamns Näringslivsstiftelse. For more information, please visit www.storegate.se