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Sometimes it takes a Swedish cloud

The cloud computing market is exploding and at the same time many companies are becoming increasingly concerned about where their information actually resides and what laws apply.
But there's a simple solution - securing business-critical information in a Swedish cloud.

In the aftermath of several revelations about how authorities and companies handle the storage of sensitive data outside Sweden's borders, more and more companies are starting to question where their own information is actually stored.
And there's more to come, with the EU's new data protection regulation, GDPR, coming into force in 2018 - and requiring personal data to be stored within the EU.

Regardless of the industry and IT environment, most companies have files that should be stored in Sweden, under Swedish law. For several reasons:

  • By using Swedish Storegate, companies can be sure that their stored files will not be disclosed to foreign authorities or used without approval
  • By using a Swedish cloud service with servers in Sweden, Swedish companies can be sure that personal data will not be transferred to a country outside the EU, which would otherwise be subject to special requirements.
  • By using a Swedish cloud service with servers in Sweden, companies meet the requirements of the Swedish Accounting Act that all accounting information must be stored in Sweden.
  • By using a Swedish cloud service, Swedish companies avoid exposure to foreign laws.
there are often quotes

Of course not all IT management should or must be done in Swedish cloud services, it is completely unrealistic in the digitally global world we live in.
However, there is often specific information in files that really should not be stored in servers outside Sweden's borders. And then services are needed that companies can always use as a complement to the storage they get in e.g. Office 365. Services that store in a Swedish cloud.

/Matz Karlsson
CEO, Storegate AB

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