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CSN puts IT security first - chooses Swedish


Central Board of Student Aid CSN chooses Storegate's Swedish cloud service for storing and sharing files. This makes it easier for them to comply with the GDPR when collaborating internally and externally. The service is delivered via a framework agreement through Storegate's partner Dustin.

CSN is the authority in Sweden that handles student aid, home loans and driving licence loans. The agency operates in 11 locations and has approximately 1000 employees.

- CSN cooperates with other government agencies and authorities, and we have many other external contacts with schools, IT and service providers, for example. The goal of this service is to be able to manage data between us and our partners in a smooth way with high IT security and full compliance," says Ulf Gustavsson, IT Workplace Supplier Manager at CSN.

CSN shares files securely with BankID requirement

The service provided offers the possibility to manage both personal and shared files securely. It also supports sharing files publicly with a requirement for BankID for verification.

- A major requirement from the public sector and companies today is that data should be stored in Sweden, under Swedish law. We are therefore very grateful to be the chosen supplier of Storegate's secure file sharing offerings to CSN," says Staffan Peterson, Director of Advanced Sales at Dustin.

- As an authority, CSN has an important role in our society and the fact that they choose Storegate for parts of their operations is proof that we are doing things right," says Matz Karlsson, CEO of Storegate AB. More and more companies and authorities are turning to us now in view of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All with the same requirement that the information stays in Sweden, concludes Matz.

For more information, please contact:
Matz Karlsson, CEO, Storegate AB, +46 (0) 703 20 14 01, matz.karlsson@storegate.com, www.storegate.se.

Ulf Gustavsson, CSN Supplier Workplace Manager, ulf.gustavsson@csn.se.

Storegate AB is a Swedish company that believes that the need for confidentiality and privacy will grow in the future. We are therefore driven to meet and exceed the future needs and security requirements of data storage in Sweden. The storage systems are located in Sweden and are therefore regulated under Swedish law. This makes it significantly easier for Swedish companies when it comes to GDPR and the new US CLOUD Act. Storegate was founded in 2003 and is owned, in addition to management, by the venture capital companies Industrifonden, Servisen, T-bolaget, Aggregate Media and Sparbanken i Karlshamns Näringslivsstiftelse. For more information, please visit www.storegate.se.