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Latest news on Storegate

Check out our latest news, articles and press releases. Here we offer several smart features and safe tips for storing information in our Swedish cloud service.

The new web interface is up!

This morning we pushed the button, so if you now log in to your account, you'll get a new (and better) experience! Beneath the surface, most things are new, and for...

"We are doing everything to avoid this kind of situation in the future."

The words are Jonas Bjelfvenstam's (Director General of the Swedish Transport Agency) and are of course about the situation with the Transport Agency's procurement, the handling of personal data and consideration of Swedish law.We are not saying that we solve all the problems of the Transport Agency....

Concerns after WannaCry

No one who has a computer can have missed the advance of WannaCry, or WannaCrypt, the ransomware that hit more than 200,000 computers in over 150 countries and is said to be a...

Meet us at the fair in Malmö

Wednesday and Thursday this week we will be in Malmö at Bygg & VVS-mässan Syd.Meet us there and talk about smart cloud services! We know from experience that our services work...

Happy Easter!

Time flies. The darkest months are over and spring is just around the corner with white flowers and bright evenings. And it's going fast here at Storegate too. This year we...