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Many Swedes miss out on important cybersecurity practices

When PwC surveys digital security, few Swedes take measures to reduce their digital vulnerability, despite the increasing cyber threat.

A new survey by PwC Sweden, published in Aktuell Säkerhet on August 28, shows that a high proportion of Swedes do not take adequate security measures for their computers. 40% of respondents stated that they had not backed up their computer in the past year, while a third admitted that they had not updated their virus protection. In addition, 60% of respondents stated that they do not change their passwords regularly, which according to PwC increases digital vulnerability. At the same time, 65% of Swedes feel that cyber threats to Sweden are increasing. In addition, the survey shows that as few as 16% believe that Swedish authorities can withstand a cyber attack. According to PwC, it is worrying that confidence in the cyber security of government agencies is so low and that confidence-building measures are needed, in parallel with additional resources and training within the Swedish authorities.

Increase cyber security with Storegate

In light of the changed world situation over the past 1.5 years, it is high time that we collectively take cyber security more seriously. At Storegate, we conduct long-term work with the intention of strengthening security in both internal processes, in our systems, and in providing preventive services for both small businesses, authorities and individuals. We offer various backup solutions, Business Contingency Planning (BCP) as a service, and solutions such as sharing files with BankID verification and Digital Signing to minimize the risks of fraud.

Cyber security

Read more:

Computer backup
Server backup
Business contingency planning
Share files with BankID
Digital signing

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