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New app for GDPR-secure information management in Microsoft Teams

Storegate - A Swedish cloud service for business files is now launching a new app for Microsoft Teams that allows you to store, share and collaborate on files that are classified as highly sensitive or contain sensitive personal data.

The app includes the same features as the Storegate web service for storing, sharing and editing files. Digital signing and the ability to share files via public links with BankID verification are also included. The app can be installed via the built-in app store in Microsoft Teams or provided by the business' Office 365 admin.

Torbjörn Lindkvist

Several of our customers work in a hybrid environment where they complement their Microsoft services with various services from Storegate. We have had a strong demand to get closer to the users' workflows, and the new app is a step in that direction, says Torbjörn Lindkvist, CPO at Storegate. If you use Teams as your main communication channel, it will be natural to work with Storegate's app for Microsoft Teams in the future.

Torbjörn Lindkvist, CPO at Storegate AB

When sharing files with the Storegate app for Microsoft Teams, they are managed only in the Storegate Swedish cloud. This makes it safe to share even sensitive data, files containing personal data or business-critical information.

We believe in an integrated user experience and that this is the future way of using different services," says Mats Karlsson, CEO of Storegate AB. With Storegate for Microsoft Teams as part of our service offering, more customers can complement their existing IT platform with Storegate's Swedish cloud services to work securely with corporate information.

Mats Karlsson, CEO of Storegate AB
Teams 5

Read more: https://www.storegate.com/funktioner/app-for-microsoft-teams/

For more information, please contact:
Mats Karlsson, CEO, Storegate AB, mats.karlsson[at]storegate.com.

Torbjörn Lindkvist, CPO, Storegate AB, +46 (0) 705 48 74 63, torbjorn.lindkvist[at]storegate.com

Storegate AB believes that the need for confidentiality and privacy will grow in the future. We are therefore driven to meet and exceed future needs and security requirements in data storage. The storage systems are located in Sweden and regulated under Swedish law. This makes it significantly easier for Swedish companies when it comes to GDPR and the US CLOUD Act. The eSam report shows that Storegate is one of 2 approved services for document storage and file sharing. Storegate was founded in 2003 and is owned by the Jotta Group. For more information www.storegate.se

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