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Digital crisis management binder safeguards operations during cyber incidents

Storegate is now launching a Digital Crisis Management binder that will allow business to continue even when internal and external systems are down.

Recently, the number of cybersecurity attacks has exploded and the question is no longer whether we are affected, but what we do when we are affected. What procedures, mandates and tools are in place to deal with such incidents? How long can an organisation withstand being locked out of its systems and what is the most business-critical information?

About a year ago we were contacted by a Swedish company in the building and construction industry. They were looking for a BCP (Business Contingency Planning) solution for accessing business critical information in case the worst happened. We would assume that all their systems were down and that employees only had access to a mobile phone, tablet or at best a home computer with an internet connection. Any information stored in the cloud service was only to be accessible after the incident occurred and in a predefined permission structure. Ransomware protection would be built-in and all information would be kept up to date on a daily basis.

Torbjörn Lindkvist, CPO at Storegate AB
Torbjörn Lindkvist

Storegate BCP, Business Contingency Planning, is a digital crisis management binder that ensures critical data is available in the event of a cyber-attack, for example. The service allows business to continue even if internal and external systems are down.

Axel Hermansen, Acting CEO Storegate AB

We feel great that we were able to deliver a brand new service that met all the customer's expectations, in such a short time. At the same time, it is very satisfying that with Storegate BCP we can offer our customers a whole new level of security in these troubled times.

Axel Hermansen, acting CEO of Storegate AB

Read more about Storegate BCP - A digital crisis management binder: https://www.storegate.com/bcp-en-digital-krisledningsparm/

For more information, please contact:

Torbjörn Lindkvist, CPO, Storegate AB, +46 (0) 705 48 74 63, torbjorn.lindkvist[at]storegate.com

Axel Hermansen, acting CEO Storegate AB +46 (0) 725 40 90 90, axel.hermansen[at]storegate.com

Storegate AB believes that the need for confidentiality and privacy will grow in the future. We are therefore driven to meet and exceed future needs and security requirements in data storage. The storage systems are located in Sweden and regulated under Swedish law. This makes it significantly easier for Swedish companies when it comes to GDPR and the US CLOUD Act. The eSam report shows that Storegate is one of 2 approved services for document storage and file sharing. Storegate was founded in 2003 and is owned by the Jotta Group. For more information www.storegate.se