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Ifous retooled for GDPR, left its US cloud service provider and found a Swedish cloud service that met all the requirements for the public sector.

Ifous is a non-profit association that addresses school principals, both municipal and independent, in all forms of education from preschool to adult education. Its mission is to make research and development available to its members, for example through various R&D programmes, seminars and meeting places.

With the GDPR coming into force, Ifous needed to transform its operations and replace its previous cloud service provider. It was American, and Ifous needed a Swedish, GDPR-secure provider with servers located in Sweden. The choice was Storegate.

Emma Kreü, Membership Officer at Ifous, explains:

"When we write contracts with our members, this issue often comes up. Many of our members are municipal actors and it is particularly important to have Swedish suppliers that are clearly GDPR-approved, so that they can feel confident about handling personal data. When we searched around, it was Storegate that we found and was also recommended to us by others."

Picture of Emma Kreu, Ifous

In Storegate's blue cloud, the entire organisation now works to store and share information. The distribution function with password-protected public link is widely used in communication with members. Storegate acts as a link between Ifous and its members, but is also a platform for internal collaboration.  

What's different about Storegate?

A big difference from the previous provider, Emma says, is the support.   

"It's really been one thing that I've noticed, Storegate has much better support. Our previous provider had no support really, there were a lot of questions on a website and you couldn't get to talk to a human. From a customer perspective, it's very difficult if there's something that's not working and you don't have someone to talk to. It works great with Storegate, I've had direct contact, good answers and clarity. Everything I look for as a customer, quite simply."

A Swedish cloud service for business files

Does your business also need a GDPR-secure cloud service? At Storegate, we make it easy to store, share and collaborate on files. In our Swedish cloud service, you can manage sensitive data and personal information without worrying about transparency and the influence of foreign laws. You avoid the uncertainty that comes with foreign cloud services and can focus on your core business.

We can help you with a solution that suits your business, contact us and we will tell you more!