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Health and medical services

Patient data between healthcare providers

Achieve a seamless, secure and transparent exchange of patient data between private and public sector healthcare providers.

Journal exchange with 100% correct recipient

Remote specialist assessments in healthcare often involve sending X-rays and patient data via encrypted USB sticks and registered mail - a costly and time-consuming process that delays diagnoses.

With Storegate, healthcare providers can instead share files securely via different types of eID verification. This guarantees that:

  • Sensitive patient data is protected
  • Control who gets access
  • Safer and more efficient diagnoses
Person inserting a USB stick with patient data on it into a computer

A tool for better care

With Sweden's 21 regions and 1000s of healthcare providers in the private and public sectors, accessing the right information at the right time is a major challenge. The traditional fax is not only an insecure and unencrypted method of communication. Faxes can make referrals, medical record copies and medication lists completely unreadable due to their poor writing quality. At the same time, all healthcare providers need to be able to share information quickly and easily for patient safety.

Sharing patient data with eIDs such as BankID, Freja eID and SITHS eID (launching Q2 2025) allows healthcare providers to share information between themselves in an efficient way with the highest security.

Identify yourself with BankID at Storegate
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Recommended by eSam

Storegate has been approved by the eParticipation Programme as one of two providers of secure storage and file sharing in the cloud for the public sector.

Storegate's Swedish cloud service

Our solutions

  • Document management and collaboration: Work, store, share and collaborate on common files in groups and access levels.
  • Secure file sharing with eID verification: Protect public links with eID. Recipients must verify themselves to access the content.
  • Business Continuity Planning as a Service: Ensure critical data is available in real time if your business is hit by ransomware or a cyber attack using BCP.
  • Remote ID verification: Authenticate members, customers and partners with BankID.
  • Digital signing: Sign documents, contracts and other confidential information in a legal, compliant and secure way.

How can we help your business?

Contact us for more information

Privacy in Swedish cloud service

Our first priority is to protect your sensitive files. That's why we offer advanced features such as authorization levels, version management, full event logging, and trust level 3 login (LoA3). We also offer strict data privacy, data residency, and best-in-class industry compliance to meet your needs.

Storegate Web Interface MAC Computer, Share files

Security-rated data centers in Sweden

Data protection and information security permeate all our various internal work processes. We place high demands on our services, data centers, personnel and all equipment we use. Storegate thinks and values security in every decision and step we take.

Delivery under a framework contract

Together with our partners, we can offer you to call off Storegate via most known framework agreements and service providers. It is also possible to make a direct procurement as the amounts are often below the thresholds. Do not hesitate to contact us and we will tell you more about our SLA, flexible terms and possible payment methods such as EDI invoice!

We knew we needed a change to meet our security requirements while improving our work process. Today, we have a secure cloud service where we can share sensitive information quickly and efficiently. Employees are happy with how smooth and secure it is to use the system, and we have a clear overview of the flow of information. This has not only increased our efficiency, but also strengthened our ability to protect sensitive information.

- IT manager

Sharing of sensitive information by public authorities

A government agency faced the challenge of streamlining and securing their handling of sensitive information. By implementing Storegate's cloud service, they now have a smooth and secure process for sharing information.