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Frequently asked questions by prospective Storegate customers

Are you ready to join Storegate and our Swedish cloud service? Great to hear from you! We take care of your information and store all files under Swedish law, making it significantly easier for you to comply with the GDPR. In addition, you are offered support for the entire solution and you get a service with full control of your company's files. Very good.

We have collected 10 common questions we get from prospective Storegate customers.
  1. Where is my information stored that I have in your cloud service?
    information is transmitted in encrypted form and stored on duplicated server environments in Swedish data warehouses with the highest security. Your files are accessible only to you and you retain sole ownership of stored information. The equipment is owned by Storegate and the data halls are located in Sweden.
  2. Can I share and collect files securely outside my own organisation?
    Of course you can
    . Our cloud service has a built-in file sharing service where you can share folders or files both internally and externally using a public link. You decide who sees what and whether you want to protect the sharing with BankID or password.
  3. How many users can have the service?
    any number of users. As a company, you set the limit on how many users can access the service. Storegate Solo includes 1 user and Storegate Multi starts from 3 users and can be expanded according to your needs. You are also welcome to talk to us about corporate agreements with customised solutions.
  4. What login methods are offered?
    You can log in
    withus using your username and password, as well as two-step verification and BankID. As an administrator, you can also decide which login method will apply to all employees who also use Storegate. For larger organisations, we offer login via ADFS and Azure AD.
  5. How do I access my stored information?
    If you want to work with your files or upload more information to Storegate, you can either do it via your browser, explorer or mobile phone. If your company uses Office applications, you can edit and create new documents directly via your local Word application. We also offer downloadable services such as Storegate CloudFolder and Storegate Sync.
  6. As an administrator, do I have traceability in the system?
    All company accounts
    havean event log that allows you to see at an individual level who has done what. The event log can be accessed via the web or by downloading a file in CSV format.
  7. Can I control which permissions users have?
    . The administrator is responsible for creating users and groups for your departments such as finance and marketing etc. You then choose who has access to which folder, as well as read and write permissions. The company can simply create different groups and give users permissions based on the folder structure they want. In addition, administrators can also share responsibility by making users sub-administrators. Read more about it here.
  8. Does Storegate write personal data agreements?
    We do. A pub agreement is needed when you, as a customer, are going to process personal data on behalf of someone else in another service. The purpose of the agreement is to ensure that the processing is carried out in accordance with Personal Data Legislation.
  9. Is the company's information protected from foreign law?
    You don't have to worry about foreign legislation and its possible impact, or the risk of your data being shared with third countries when you store information with us. We provide data warehouses within Sweden and using a Swedish cloud service that is subject to Swedish law also makes it easier for you to comply with GDPR.
  10. Can I try the service for free?
    As a business customer, you can try all our services and subscriptions for free for 14 days by clicking on the "Try for free" button inside the website www.storegate.se, no payment details are even required.

We hope that you have found information that you may have been looking for. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Storegate Support. They always have great answers to our customers' questions - hope you take the plunge to our Swedish cloud service!