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Swedish cloud storage via Storegate

You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain!

There are currently about 1.2 million companies in Sweden. Companies and organisations that all depend on being able to store information easily, conveniently and securely. Few Swedish companies are aware that their business-critical information is exposed to foreign legislation if it is stored in foreign cloud services. What even fewer know is that US national laws cannot be waived when civil contracts are signed between the customer and the cloud service provider, thus exposing the majority of all those companies using foreign cloud services to share their information with outsiders and unauthorised persons. A problem that many companies are now unaware of. However, the solution to this problem is simple. Invest in Swedish cloud storage via Storegate.

A Swedish cloud service
With a Swedish cloud service, companies' everyday life looks completely different. No risk of sharing information with third countries or being held accountable for GDPR rules. All information is stored in equipment that is 100% owned by Swedish Storegate AB, with data warehouses located in Sweden.

Storegate is a digital platform where customers can store, share and collaborate on documents and files. Instead of storing information locally on your computer, everyone can store information directly in the cloud. You can easily drag and drop files, folders or documents that you want to upload and store on the platform. This facilitates collaboration between multiple departments and projects running in parallel. Thanks to a cloud-based platform, everyone can work directly on the same document, without disputes over who saved the latest version. Two-step verification makes the solution even more secure. It requires both a password and an authentication code for each login to the platform.

Having your company's file storage in Sweden gives you as an entrepreneur a much more carefree existence. You don't have to spend time and energy analysing potential risks and can instead focus on the tasks you do best.

If you are interested in hearing more about Storegate's Swedish cloud platform, please email us at info@storegate.com. We are happy to talk to you!