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Employee interview: Josefin

A true CRM star, that's our Josefin Schuster

As the spider in the web, Josefin works as a Customer Relationship Manager at Storegate. This includes everything from statistics and analysis to planning campaigns and communication for all our customers. She also works with reconciliation and follow-up in various customer cases and somewhere in between there are a lot of meetings in different projects that she ties together and weaves together in a brilliant way. A fantastic gem that we are very happy to be working with.

Before Josefin found her way to Storegate, she studied Service Management at Lund University. Nine years ago, she returned to her hometown and became one of our team. Josefin jumps into new projects with great energy and everything is done with the customer relationship as the main focus. Valuable qualities are her analytical ability to reflect and compare before drawing conclusions. At Storegate, she creates magic every day by contributing new ideas to make the customer experience even better.

"Storegate is the obvious choice for anyone who wants to be in control of their data, and who doesn't? The best thing about my job is the whole team behind it, there's a great atmosphere at Storegate and it's always fun to go to work!"

According to Josefin, her work is the perfect mix, an exciting area as it is both hard facts and soft values.

Now that spring has arrived, both dahlias and sweet peas are sprouting in Josephine's garden and she is currently sketching out this summer's project, a playhouse for the children. Josefin gets an extra tingle in her stomach from nice children's clothes and if anyone is wondering where to find the best stuff, Josefin has the answer! When she wants to treat herself to something good, chocolate is the order of the day; there's always something containing cocoa at Josefin's desk.

In other words, Josefin is a phenomenal colleague and she brings great energy every day. If you want to get in touch with Josefin and Storegate - please get in touch with her outstanding support team. You can contact them here, support@storegate.com.