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Sharing patient information securely

Now dentists can send patient information to 100% of the right recipients by sharing with BankID

In healthcare, specialist doctors often assess other patients' conditions remotely. It is common practice to store X-rays and other patient information on encrypted USB sticks, which are then sent between two dentists by registered mail via local post offices. This is an unnecessarily expensive and time-consuming process that leaves patients waiting a long time for their diagnosis.

A more modern solution is to - Share files with BankID verification
With Storegate, customers can share files and folders with a Swedish cloud service. In addition, we can guarantee:

  • Right recipient with BankID signature.
  • Faster and more patient-safe.
  • Sensitive patient data is protected.

The Patient Safety Protection Act, together with the GDPR, imposes requirements on how data may be sent. Based on the current approach, the sender may receive assessment and feedback from the dentist only after this time-consuming process. Had dentists in this case used Storegate's cloud solution instead, they would have had more time for their main task. 

Would you like us to tell you more about how it works? Contact us here.