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Share information securely between organisations

Secure links, BankID verification and password protection. Everything you need to know to share files and folders both within your own organisation and to other businesses.  

Sharing information securely is a challenge for many businesses. Sharing information between different organisations adds to the complexity. In fact, sending sensitive data in a regular email should be avoided. Most organisations need to be able to share different types of sensitive information in a secure way. For example, customer information, patient data or documents containing employee data. So how do you do it?

One way to send information securely both internally and externally is to use our smart file sharing feature. It allows the whole business to send documents, quotes, contracts, reports or other important files securely.

Share information with secure distribution links

Through public links, you can easily share files and folders to any recipient, both within your own organisation and externally. You have full control over which files and folders you have shared, and can control when and how the recipient accesses the content.

Choose whether you want to stop access to the content after a certain number of views or a certain date, protect the link with a password or BankID verification. Set whether to allow the recipient to open the file in Office Online and whether to allow editing. For distributed folders, you can also authorise uploading to the folder, allowing you to secure file collection.

Installations public lank 1

Verify recipients with BankID

With BankID verification on a distributed link, the recipient needs to verify their identity to access the content of the distribution. This way you can be absolutely sure that the information you share can only be accessed by the chosen recipient.

File sharing via Storegate

Share files securely in Outlook

With our free Outlook extension, you can work in Outlook and save attachments directly to Storegate. In addition, you can send files via a secure link directly in Outlook, avoiding exposure of your data to foreign legislation. A smart way to share information securely directly in your email.

Storegate outlook extension

Own brand on dividends

With the Branding add-on service, you can increase the visibility of your brand both when you are distributing and to internal users. Add your logo and background image to the Storegate web interface and give employees and external users a clear link to your organisation.

When you distribute via a link, your logo and background image will be clearly visible to the recipient, regardless of the device used.

Branding Tokeep

Book a free demo

We'd love to tell you more about how our Swedish cloud can help you share information securely. Storegate makes it easy to store, share and collaborate on files. Enter your email address and we'll contact you shortly.