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Work locally with your Office files and save in the cloud

To streamline the way you save and edit files on Storegate, we have created a new and user-friendly feature. Since before, Storegate has allowed you to work in your Office files via Microsoft 365 on the web. Now you can also choose to work in the files on your computer locally on the web and save the documents directly to our Swedish cloud service. An important feature if you want to have full control of your files.

Officedesktop new 1

With a single click, there are now two different ways to open and edit Office files via Storegate. Either by working locally in your Office program or with the web-based version of Office. This means that you can mark a document on the web that you can then edit in the Office program you have installed on your computer and then save the document back to our cloud service directly from the program. It's smart, efficient and incredibly easy.

We constantly want to deliver the best for our customers and sometimes that means new ways of working and sometimes we just want to improve our features to give you the best user experience of Storegate.

Get started and edit your files locally. A smart feature if you want to avoid exposing your files to other countries' legislation. Your documents are saved back to Storegate and our Swedish cloud.

Do you have questions about how the service works? Check out our knowledge base to learn how to open and edit Office files online.