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Unique offer for Hogia Accounting & Auditing customers

Share and collaborate on files directly in Hogia via Storegate

Current software

  • Hogia Financial Statements
  • Hogia Tax
  • Hogia Audit
  • Hogia Transactional Analysis
  • Hogia Analysis/Decision support

Instructions on how to use Storegate in your Hogia program will be sent to you by email after you have activated your Storegate account. If you need help or have questions, please contact our support.

A Swedish cloud service

With Storegate, individual employees or large groups can work together on documents and share content both inside and outside the organisation. We also help you comply with GDPR as the files are stored in Swedish data warehouses under Swedish law. All information is transferred in encrypted form with maximum security.

Storegate Solo

15,99 €

Per month

1 user

If you work individually, here's everything you need to store, share and work with files.

Offer: first 3 months free*

*The offer is valid for the account type and additional services purchased at the time of activation and only for accounts created via the activation button on this page.

Storegate Multi

16,99 €

Per user/month

From 3 users

A solution for the entire team, for internal and external collaboration.

Offer: first 3 months free*

*The offer is valid for the account type and additional services purchased at the time of activation and only for accounts created via the activation button on this page.

We help you get started

As a business customer, you'll get personalised help to find the right solution and get started with all our services. Our knowledge base makes it easy to find answers to common questions or get in touch with our support.

Storegate Menu

Storage in Sweden under Swedish law

As a Swedish cloud service, we develop our own services and store all information in Sweden.

Map of sweden