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Storegate and Microsoft Office Online

Microsoft Office Online is a service from Microsoft that allows you to read and edit Office documents directly in your browser. As a Storegate customer, you can now create, edit and collaborate in Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), directly from the Storegate web interface. The service is available for both home and business users, business users require a Microsoft Office 365 account.


To create a new document, log in to your account via the home page, then click on "Manage" when you are in "My files" or "Shared files" (company only). In the menu, select "New Microsoft Office document", then choose the type of document you want to create. You will then be redirected to Microsoft Office Online where you can start editing the document.


To edit an existing document with Office Online, log in to your Storegate account via the website. Find the document you want to edit under "My files" or "Shared files" (company only) and select "Open with Microsoft Office Online".

You will be sent to a preview of the document. Here you also have the option to download, print or share the document. To start editing, click on "Edit in browser".


Unlike locally installed Office applications, Office Online does not have a "Save" button. Instead, there is an automatic save function which means that any changes you make to the file are saved immediately. When you close the file, all the changes you have made to the file are already in your Storegate account. Tip! Remember to enable versioning if you want to be able to go back to old versions of your files.

You can open and edit files in the following formats: *.docx, *.xlsx, *.pptx

Microsoft Office 97-2003 files (*.doc, *.xls, *.ppt) can be previewed but not edited.

You can preview and edit documents from the "My files" part of the account as well as "Shared files" (business accounts).

For business users with Team accounts, you can see in real time when other users are editing documents, so two or more people can work on the same document at the same time. It is also possible to add comments to documents. Read more here: https://support.office.com/sv-se/article/Samarbeta-med-Word-dokument-med-realtid-samtidig-redigering-7dd3040c-3f30-4fdd-bab0-8586492a1f1d

If you do not want to use Microsoft Office Online, you can deactivate the function when you are logged in to your Storegate account via the website. For team accounts, the administrator decides whether the function should be active or inactive. The setting can be found under the tab "Username-> Account" -> "Settings".

The Office Online service is provided by Microsoft, which means that all support is provided by them. Document changes are made on Microsoft's servers and automatically uploaded to Storegate. For support regarding Microsoft Office Online, please contact Microsoft here: https://support.microsoft.com/sv-se/contactus