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Backup reports and notifications

With Storegate's backup reports and notifications, it's easy to follow your backup.

Activate the feature when you are logged in to your account via the website. Go to "Account" -> "Settings" which you can access via your username at the top right of the page.

backup reports notifications3

The backup reports contain a summary of the last time your computer was backed up. In the report you will find information about how many files have been transferred since the last backup and how many files the backup contains in total. This gives you a confirmation that the backup is working properly. If you are also the administrator of a multi-account, it is a great way to keep track of all the backups running in your company.

With notifications, you can, for example, receive emails if the application has not connected in the selected number of days or if there is less than 10% of the storage area left.

You choose the email address to which you want reports and notifications sent and when you want them sent to you.

If you need help to activate the feature, please contact support!