Digital signing provides a simple and user-friendly way to sign contracts, documents and other confidential information in a legal, legally correct and secure way. Today, we tell you more about the benefits that come with moving your business' contract processes to a Swedish cloud.
5 benefits of digital signing
1. More efficient contract processes
Traditional signing of paper contracts is often a slow process. It requires a lot of administrative work in terms of printing, mail handling and filing. In addition, time is taken up by the signing itself, especially if several parties are to sign the same document.
When you switch to digital signing, you quickly see how much time you can save. With just a few clicks, you and your colleagues can have your contracts ready for signing. Digital signatures allow the same document to be signed by multiple signatories regardless of location. It's easier and more efficient, for both you and your customers. A great advantage, not least when much work is now done remotely. As a bonus, there's no need for paper and post, and of course all documents are stored digitally.
2. Manage your contracts regardless of device
On the move and a contract needs to be signed? No problem with digital signing! Digital signing allows you to manage all your contracts and documents regardless of the device you use. It's as easy to create and sign contracts on your computer as on your mobile. Another great advantage is that all contracts are easily accessible, even if you don't have your computer at hand. With a simple and user-friendly service that can also be managed via mobile, the time needed to sign contracts is often significantly reduced.
3. Higher security and traceability
Digital signing increases security. Each e-signature is time-stamped and, in addition, the issuer can ensure that the signatory needs to verify himself with a BankID before he can access the document to be signed. In addition, the entire contracting process is also traceable, each step is documented and signatures can be verified via a QR code in the finished contract. With Storegate, all contracts are time-stamped with qualified signatures for long-term archiving in PAdES format. The certificate that seals the documents is available on EUTL (European Union Trusted List) and AATL (Adobe Approved Trusted List). All documents signed with Storegate are advanced and qualified signatures and approved according to eIDAS legislation.
4. Environment
Digital signatures not only save time and money. Through digital signing you can contribute to a greener planet. With reduced paper handling and travel for contract signing, the environment is also a winner when you move the contract process digital. If we can avoid unnecessary printing of documents, we will have reduced consumption of paper and forests, and we can also reduce unnecessary travel and distribution, leading to reduced emissions.
5. Control and overview of contracts
By using digital signing, you gather all contracts and have full control. It's easy to get an overview of which contracts are out for signature, see which signatories have signed and remind those who haven't yet signed. Completed agreements can be archived and are then available for easy retrieval when needed.
Ready to start signing digitally?
With Storegate, you get digital signing in a Swedish cloud service. This means that, in addition to the above-mentioned benefits, you also get a signing service that is GDPR-secure as all data storage takes place in Sweden. This makes it easy for you to comply with GDPR as you never have to worry about personal data being processed outside of Sweden's borders. The signing service is safe to use for both businesses and the public sector, the service is fully compliant with the confidentiality requirements found in the Public Access and Secrecy Act (OSL), the Patient Data Act (PDL), the Social Services Act (SoL), the Education Act.
Curious to know more? Read more here and book a free demo of our signing service.